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Season’s Change

It’s that time of the year again. Summer is over, and Fall is here. As for me, summer has always been my favorite season. Mostly because as a child growing up in New Jersey, I really enjoyed the outdoors and participating in various sports in the neighborhood.

In the summer months, you were almost guaranteed great weather to go outside to play. That is unless it rained of course.

In my opinion, winter, spring and fall have always been very unpredictable. At least in New Jersey. I can pretty much say the same for the weather here in Maryland although I have noticed a slight difference in the fall here.

Here in Maryland we are blessed with a change in the seasons where you can really see and feel the change dramatically. In Maryland the fall is almost spot on, whereas in New Jersey the fall sometimes feels like winter.

Nonetheless, we have no choice but to usher in the fall season. The change in the season brings a newness that for some is a welcome change.

In contrast, with the change in the season there usually comes an emotional and spiritual change in people that is caused by less light, shorter days and mediocre weather patterns. These conditions sometimes make people feel discouraged and influences their decision to stay indoors.

To stay on schedule with any projects that you may be working on, be prepared and intentional to shift with the change in the season. Go with the flow.

If you are aware that a shift is eminent you will be prepared for this well in advance. You will make the necessary adjustments to stay in the flow and not become stagnant.

Plan prepare and act to stay ahead of the curve.

Go with the flow when the seasons change and be intentional to stay on top of your game.

Be inspired and be blessed!

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