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Meet France Neptune: Author of Girl Be You! 7 Strategies To Activate Your Authenticity

France Neptune is an Author, Mentor, and Empowerment Strategist. She is the founder of the Edify Your Sister ® movement, born out of her passion to help women and teen girls know their worth, discover their purpose, heal from past hurts, and walk in forgiveness. France empowers women and teen girls to embrace their authenticity through empowerment events/workshops, videos, products, and literature. She enjoys laughter, learning, meeting new people, fellowship, and encouraging others. France has an undergraduate degree in Business Management and a graduate degree in Human Resources Management. She was born and raised in Connecticut, and has a son, her pride and joy.

Daryn Carl Ramsey: Can you describe the Edify Your Sister and Edify Your Brother movement and why you started it?

France Neptune: Edify Your Sister and Edify Your Brother aims to empower women, teen girls, men and youth boys to be the best unique and authentic versions of who God created them to be; therefore, diminishing the power that society and the media’s images hold in their lives. My heart cries when someone is bullied (I’ve had my share of experiences), or when I see a brother/sister tearing down another brother/sister, and when I hear sisters and brothers feeling as if their life has no meaning. For those reasons and more, the Lord trusted me with Edify Your Sister and Edify Your Brother.

Daryn Carl Ramsey: There are a lot of people that have a passion about something but do not have the courage to step out and do what’s needed to make it happen. What can you share that will help them?

France Neptune: That was me at one time. Where do I begin? I would share this- you must believe that God created you on purpose. Stop waiting for the fear to leave. Stop waiting on others to validate you. Go forth! He’s waiting on’re not waiting on Him. Seek God and allow Him to lead you. Make sure that you are truly passionate about your endeavor. Seek mentors with expertise that you can learn from, and who are willing to share their knowledge with you. Stop sitting on the sidelines. The first step is saying yes to God.

Daryn Carl Ramsey: How do you garner attention to this movement?

France Neptune: I think being authentic is the key. They say talk is cheap and I believe that. I am the movement. I live Edify Your Sister and Edify Your Brother (it’s biblical). I meet ladies and teen girls out at events and engage in conversation. I also network and have passionate ambassadors that faithfully spread our message. I’m very thankful to God for them and everyone else who stays connected to us and helps spread this message. We are a community.

Daryn Carl Ramsey: Congratulations on your new book France! Can you share something about you book that will help our readers?

France Neptune: Thank you Daryn! Sure can. God created you to be you. Do not compare yourself with anyone else. Walk in your authenticity. Remember that your path is uniquely yours and no one else’s.

Daryn Carl Ramsey: What was your inspiration for writing this book?

France Neptune: While growing up, I lived a life of comparisons. My validation was directly correlated to being accepted by teen girls and women socially and the value I felt when in a relationship with a man. So, for years, I struggled with a lack of self-worth. I was envious and jealous of other women because I truly didn’t know who I was. When I wasn’t in a relationship, or consistently talking to a man, I wasn’t happy. It was not until a relationship left me verbally, emotionally and mentally stripped of my self-worth and my self-esteem depleted that I began to seek God. Accepting Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior has taught me that His validation is all that matters. Finding my identity in Christ has been the most liberating experience and has motivated me to share my testimony with as many women and teen girls as possible, with the hopes of them steering clear of what I had to endure. Therefore, I wrote Girl, Be You! 7 Strategies to Activate Your Authenticity.

Daryn Carl Ramsey: Are you interested in collaborating with other authors in the future or do you prefer to work alone?

France Neptune: Yes, I am interested in collaborating with other authors in the future.

Daryn Carl Ramsey: What other aspirations do you have that you are trusting God for?

France Neptune: I see Edify Your Sister and Edify Your Brother expanding and broadening its reach in every way possible so we can impact our communities and the lives of our sisters and brothers. Oh and…. I’m also a certified life coach and counselor so…. stay tuned😊

Daryn Carl Ramsey: How important has your faith been in your success in life thus far?

France Neptune: Great question! My faith in God is the key to my success. My faith determines what I accomplish and how far I go in life. All we need is faith and works to accomplish anything we set our minds to.

Daryn Car Ramsey: What is your favorite scripture and why?

France Neptune: My favorite scripture is Joshua 1:9. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (NIV). Our minds are bombarded with negative thoughts daily. I use this scripture as a weapon against the enemy when my mind is attacked with fear and other thoughts that are not of God.

Daryn Carl Ramsey: So, France you live here in the DMV. What do you like about living here? Do you ever see yourself relocating?

France Neptune: I’m originally from up north so I love the weather here in the DMV. I also love the culture and the many activities and attractions DC has to offer. I can’t forget about the fellowship. The fellowship among believers in the DMV area is awesome! Do I ever see myself relocating? Hmmm… if the Lord tells me it’s time to move, I’ll go. Staying in His will is what’s most important to me.

Daryn Carl Ramsey: What is the name of your book and where can it be purchased?

France Neptune: The name of my book is Girl, Be You! 7 Strategies to Activate Your Authenticity. It can be purchased at,, and Amazon link:

Daryn Carl Ramsey: Is there anything that you would like to share with our readers and your fans?

France Neptune: When you make a mistake, resist the urge to throw in the towel and give up. Learn from the experience and keep pushing forward. No matter what, keep moving forward!

Daryn Carl Ramsey: I know that you are on social media. Where can everyone find you if they want to connect or follow you?

France Neptune: Yes, let’s connect! You can follow me at:, Like me on Facebook:, and visit my website at

Daryn Carl Ramsey: France it has been a pleasure getting to know more about you. Congratulations on the release of your new book! I am believing for the best with these projects to include your future endeavors as well. Thank you very much for inspiring our readers here at Ramsey’s Corner where our focus is all things inspirational.

Until next time be blessed!

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