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An Interview with Keysha Dale By Daryn Carl Ramsey

Keysha Dale is an Author, Mentor and Healthcare Executive. She actively pursues her success while assisting other women to fast-track their own. Dale is the District of Columbia (DC) Long-Term Care Administration Board Chairperson and the National Association of Long-Term Administrator Board (NAB) State Governance and Regulatory Forum Chair.

In her book, Rock Bottom Success, Dale admits that early in her career she often reacted with emotions and impulsive behavior. Every lesson left Keysha with pearls of wisdom that she employs to maintain and continuously achieve success. No grit. No pearl. When Keysha is not blazing trails in the healthcare arena, she mentors up and coming professional women. As a highly sought-after speaker, Dale uses her book to share pearls of wisdom to audiences throughout the United States. At home in the Washington, DC area, Keysha enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

DCR: How long have you been working in the field?

KD: I have been working in the profession of Healthcare Administration Aging/Home and Community Based Services for well over 15 years.

DCR: What do you like most about what you do?

KD: Ensuring quality care to the sick, frail and vulnerable population.

DCR: Has anyone influenced or inspired you to do what you do?

KD: Yes, and that is a great question! I come from a family of nurses; my grandma was Registered Nurse for over 25 years, and I would visit her quite often as she worked in the Pediatrics Ward at a local County Hospital. I knew that I always desired to work in healthcare from that point on and the rest is history!

Has the industry changed much since you began? I like to think and believe that it has; I truly feel that I have left my God given imprint on the profession for the good of course. The demands of healthcare have changed drastically; more regulatory standards do not always equal quality care often it minimizes the time to provide the TLC that is needed verses being so focused on paper compliance.

DCR: What do you gain from being a mentor and being a mentee?

KD: Great Question! Luke 12:48 “To Whom much is given, much will be required” Being a mentor is non-negotiable for me God has given me provisions during my journey that included GREAT mentors who have gone from mentors, colleagues to now friends. Because God has orchestrated this, I feel compelled to give of myself specifically in the workplace. Great mentor’s and leaders also know that the learning never stops therefore I must always remain a student; therefore, I gain so much from being a mentee as well. My most recent mentor partnership has been with Ms. Tressa Azarel Smallwood; she is awesome to work with as she is authentic, a great adviser and holds me accountable to all my goals on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis.

DCR: What are the top 3 things that you like to do in your free time?

KD: Hang out with family and good girlfriends. I am always down for a good get away… Work, life balance is a most!

DCR: Do you have plans to collaborate with any individuals or groups?

KD: Yes, I am currently seeking to work with more professional business groups and mentorship programs in the very near future.

DCR: So, Keysha can you share some of the details of your book?

KD: Well, well, well…Let me just say I give the good, bad and the ugly about my Rock Bottom Experience.

DCR: What are your views on networking?

KD: I believe networking is paramount to one’s success. Because God use’s each of us as vessel to get his work done on earth, we must work together to accomplish his task and we do that best with others.

DCR: What inspires you to keep going in life and business?

KD: Now that I am a biological mother of my own child. A handsome, funny, intelligent, wonderful and energetic five-year-old boy and a young adult I want to do and accomplish more to leave generational wealth while expecting them to do 150 times more than me on this earth.

DCR: Who is the person that you would most like to meet? What would you say to them?

KD: Shirley Chisholm! Mrs. Chisholm; how did you manage to maintain your core values while navigating your political journey of all male colleagues.

DCR: Where do you see yourself in the next five years to 10 years and what legacy if any would you like to leave behind?

KD: In the next ten years I visualize me traveling the world and investing more in my own businesses on a full-time basis.

DCR: Keysha I really enjoyed getting to know more about you and congratulations on your book Rock Bottom Success! Thank you for being my first blog interview. In this business it’s been said that timing is crucial. You fit the bill and filled my need for an interview that was inspirational but not just bible or spiritually based. As you know, Ramsey’s Corner focuses on all things inspirational. Thank you for sharing some of the things that have inspired you and have been vital to your success. I can’t wait to see what the future unfolds in the life of Keysha Dale. I will be waiting patiently to see.

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